Some really encouraging resolutions passed at the County Board level on Tuesday night (June 21, 2022). Both resolutions address government transparency and efficiency. I firmly believe our County board before April 2022 would not have passed or even created resolutions such as these.

Thank you to all of those invovled in making a hard earned effort fruitful.
RESOLUTION NO. 59-052022: Amend Section 22.0 (Committee Meetings) of the Rules of the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors by Correcting Section 22.1811 - requires that all meetings including committee and commission meetings must be recorded and posted. Currently, the County recordings are hosted by Oshkosh Media on their YouTube Channel. You can find the meetings here.
RESOLUTION NO. 81-062022: Amend Rules 11.6 and 9.15 of the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors to Require the Physical Presence of Supervisors in the Officially Designated County Board/Committee Meeting Physical Space to Cast Votes This requires supervisors to be physically in attendance in order to have a counted vote.
Both resolutions address government transparency and efficiency.
Resolution No. 59 will help improve government transparency by making it easier for people to see what is happening with their tax dollars; while Resolution No. 81 will help hold members of our government accountable by physically representing their districts.
Both of these resolutions are a step in the right direction. They're good for the county, they're good for its residents, and they're also great for accountability. This is exactly what we need more of: an open government that doesn't hide behind meeting minutes being limited to paper records.
Perhaps these passed resolutions are foreshadowing some monumental victories ahead with 11.08 or even the Diversity Affairs Commission.....
Time will tell.