Voting Record
This is your one-stop spot to find the voting record for the Winnebago County Board.

11.08 Voting Record
General Code of Winnebago County: County Health Officer
Voting to amend 11.08 gave the Winnebago County Health Official authority to enter private property, building, place of employment, etc. and to remove any person from that property. 11.08 also gave the Winnebago County Health Official authority to prohibit public and private gatherings.
Carbon Emissions
The Winnebago County Board voted on supporting the Carbon Emissions and Dividend Act on July 20th, 2021. A federal bill circulating in congress at the federal level. The board was presented with the vote by the legislation committee. The argument urging support for the resolution came from a Wisconsin Conservation Congress survey that only included 261 Winnebago County residents. Out of the 261 - only half were in favor of supporting the Act. The resolution did not pass.

Resolution 185 Voting Record
Declaration of Independence
Voting to amend 11.08 gave the Winnebago County Health Official authority to enter private property, building, place of employment, etc. and to remove any person from that property. 11.08 also gave the Winnebago County Health Official authority to prohibit public and private gatherings.
August 2022 Board Meeting
These votes were recorded from the August 2022 County Board Meeting.
Resolution 85-082022 Prohibiting the use of private donations to administer elections PASSED 20-15
Resolution 87-082022 Declaring Winnebago County a First Amendment Sanctuary Did NOT PASS - and was voted to indefinitely postpone. Does not mean it can't be brought back to the board, but there are very specific conditions
RESOLUTION NO. 89-082022: regarding using a grant from the CDC for inequities from Covid - which did not pass